Whether we are talking about our family lives or how our bodies look and feel, we have to accept where we are in order to move forward.
Ask yourself a few questions.
- What is my family life like?
- How am I spending my time each day?
- What am I thankful for?
- What trial has been holding me back?
I believe that you need to know the answers to these questions before you can move on to improving yourself.
Stop focusing on the trials from the past. Learn from them, do not focus on them. If you are so focused on the past you haven't learned from the trials and moved forward.
If you have worked through those questions, the next step is moving forward.
- Are you spending the time with your family you want too?
- If no, list a few things you can do to spend more time together.
- If yes, praise the Lord.
- Each day is important in God's eyes. Is it important in our eyes?
- Do you have ways to better spend your time?
- Is there time spent in God's Word?
- How much time is spent on a computer/laptop/tablet/phone?
- How can I improve the way I feel?
- What am I putting into my body?
- How is it impacting the other parts of my life?
- Am I moving or couch potato?
- How does my home feel?
- Are you stressed by your home or do you walk into a haven?
While writing this, I feel like we can all benefit from working on a few of these questions. It's good to evaluate where you are, accept it, and move forward.